SS – Proverbs Lesson 14 part 2 – Pastor Daniel

Published on 10/24/21

Sunday School – Title ~ Relationships with Friends and Neighbors ~ Proverbs Lesson 14 – Speaker ~ Pastor Daniel

Introduction The past lessons focused on the relationships with in the home. The Christians Relationship with those outside the home is very important. Proverbs gives great principles to guide our relationships with friends and neighbors.

I. Our Friends

A. Chose your friends carefully

1. A friends character affects your character- 13:20, 27:17
2. Good friends help you to improve- 27:59
3. Harmful friends will destroy you  
      a. Pleasure seekers- 23:20-21, 28:7,19 
      b. Bitter and discontented people- 22:24-25, 24:21-22 
      c. Crooked people-29:24 
      d. Fools 14:7 
      e. Immoral people -29:3 
      f. Sinful people- 1:10-15,24:1-2